Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nightime Edition

Good morning to all of our intl. readers from London going east.(and everyone else). With all of the powerful corporate MSM that's out there, keep this in mind. Yes they have the megamillion dollar budgets, the columnists with huge contracts and bureaus all over the world. But what's the key difference between them and us? We're not losing any money. Take that, News Corp.

Do you realize in the States one out of two people are on Facebook? Maybe that's why the other person gives you a dirty look?

What's one way to cope? Keep getting your message out. If everyone is going to one idea, maybe you should go another way. Like the global investor Jim Rogers says, either they'll think you're insane. Or, you're a genius.

Right now, we need peace and quiet. A nice dinner and then just sit and relax. If you know of some big story that's already happening on Friday, unless it's a global emergency, we're not available.

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