Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What Do I Have?

An early Happy Xmas. Sorry to be away for a while. But the past week has been a struggle with symptoms, the holidays, and feeling like all of my backed up trauma is flooding out.

I rarely get any sleep at night. I can barely get out of bed in the morning. When I can, I can slowly take a shower and get dressed. But when I standup and walk, I have to go extremely slowly because I feel like I have literally no energy. My appetite is down, and anything acidic I really can't handle.

What is it?:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
or something else?

I'm not sure. I will go to my doctor after Xmas to find out more. I think right now it's backed up trauma flooding out (mainly in exhaustion). But at times I really have to focus on breathing, because it's hard to do.

What is this? I'm not sure.

1 comment:

jan.4987 said...

I'd suggest adrenal fatigue because I suggest ruling that out to everyone who is exhausted following trauma, but I know it could well be something else so I just hope the doctor is prepared to help. I wish you as peaceful a Christmas as possible.