Sunday, February 9, 2014

How's Your Awareness?

A busy week with forms, bureaucracy, and is everyone out to lunch? It seems like it.

Also, for the past three nights, I've been having really violent nightmares. Is it because of feeling bombarded with traumatic stuff during the day? Is it because of eating dinner too late at night? I'm not sure.

Whatever the cause, the pain is still there. Does it ever go away? I don't know. On the other hand, every mental health source that I trust says the same thing. Denial for you isn't an issue anymore. Your holistic approach to your health  will be a bug plus as you heal overall.

Maybe that's one of the key words right now. Healing from a history of abuse.  I know it's not my fault that I have PTSD, heart disease and more. You do the best you can to try and cope. Now I see that even when you stop destructive stuff, the effects from it can last for a long time.

It's not my fault.

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